Cipher Class
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Cipher Class

1. Introduction

The Cipher object allows you to encrypt and decrypt files or strings using the OpenSSL cipher algorithms. You can use it to programatically read encrypted files that were created using the openssl command line tool and vice-versa. It is a good introduction to using OpenSSL for ciphers.

Click here to get more information about the OpenSSL interface. I found the web site to be a bit challenging to navigate. To get information about specific functions in the crypto section you have to avoid the HTML page and get a directory listing. Here is where I typically start out:

2. Read an Encrypted File

The first use-case that we will consider is reading an encrypted file that was created with openssl.

2.1 Create the Encrypted File using openssl

First create the encrypted file using openssl using the passphrase: "Tally Ho!".

% cat >x <<EOF
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id
rhoncus lacus. Proin sit amet mi quam. Donec congue lorem vel tellus
mattis vestibulum. Nam at felis at libero vulputate rhoncus. Etiam ut
orci enim, vitae dapibus nulla. Nulla in odio diam, vitae porta
arcu. Sed mollis orci at nulla rhoncus mattis. Vivamus in nibh non
neque vulputate vulputate a sit amet diam. Nam nisi purus, iaculis
vitae laoreet non, aliquam ultrices lacus. Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Vestibulum mattis tincidunt ante sit amet dignissim. Aenean nec
mauris quis neque fermentum facilisis. Suspendisse lorem justo,
tristique sit amet bibendum at, egestas in tellus. Quisque ultricies,
lectus eu eleifend lacinia, mi sapien tempus ante, sit amet tincidunt
nisl dui adipiscing justo.
% openssl enc -e -a -md sha1 -aes-256-cbc -salt -pass pass:"Tally Ho!" -in x -out x.txt
iv =7FE7BB9FC8CDB753DA2FD866D7A1BCD3

Here is the content of the encrypted file. Note that it is in ASCII format because we used the -a (base64) option.


2.2 Read the Encrypted File in C++

Now you can read it using the Crypt object as follows:

* // This example shows how to read the encrypted file
* // that was created in the previous subsection.
* #include "cipher.h"
* #include <string>
* #include <fstream>
* #include <sstream>
* #include <iostream>
* #include <stdexcept>
* using namespace std;
* void decrypt(const string& license_file)
* {
* try {
* // Read in the encrypted data.
* string ifn="x.txt";
* ifstream ifs(ifn.c_str());
* if (!ifs) {
* string msg = "Can't read file: "+ifn;
* throw runtime_error(msg);
* }
* string ciphertext((istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)),
* istreambuf_iterator<char>());
* ifs.close();
* // Decrypt the ciphertext and print it.
* Cipher mgr;
* string plaintext = mgr.decrypt(ciphertext,"Tally Ho!");
* cout << plaintext;
* }
* catch (exception& e) {
* cerr << "ERROR: decrypt failed: " << e.what() << endl;
* }
* }

You can do the same thing by running the ct.exe program that is provided with the package.

% ./ct.exe -e -p 'Tally Ho!' -i x.txt -v 

Or you can use the openssl program.

% openssl enc -d -p -a -md sha1 -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:'Tally Ho!' -in x.txt 

3. Write an Encrypted File

This use-case demonstrates to create an encrypted file using the Cipher object and then read it using openssl.

3.2 Create the Encrypted File using C++

Here is how you create the encrypted file using C++.

* // This example shows how to create the encrypted file.
* // Note that I am not using C++11 raw strings because
* // they are not yet available for most compilers.
* #include "cipher.h"
* #include <string>
* #include <fstream>
* #include <sstream>
* #include <iostream>
* #include <stdexcept>
* using namespace std;
* void encrypt(const string& license_file)
* {
* try {
* // Create the plaintext.
* string plaintext =
* "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id\n"
* "rhoncus lacus. Proin sit amet mi quam. Donec congue lorem vel tellus\n"
* ;
* // Encrypt it.
* Cipher mgr;
* string ciphertext = mgr.decrypt(plaintext,"Tally Ho!");
* // Write out the encrypted data.
* // It is ASCII.
* string ofn = "y.txt";
* ofstream ofs(ifn.c_str());
* if (!ofs) {
* string msg = "Can't write file: "+ofn;
* throw runtime_error(msg);
* }
* ofs << ciphertext;
* ofs.close();
* }
* catch (exception& e) {
* cerr << "ERROR: encrypt failed: " << e.what() << endl;
* }
* }

3.3 Read the Encrypted File using openssl

Here is how you read the encrypted file using openssl.

openssl enc -d -a -p -md sha1 -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:'Tally Ho!' -in y.txt 

You can do the same thing using the ct.exe program that is provided with the package.

./ct.exe -d -p 'Tally Ho!' -i y.txt 


The cipher package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The cipher package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the change tool; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2012 by Joe Linoff

Joe Linoff